Upon arrival Harry and Meghan attended the pre-ceremony reception where they met the nominees, as well as endeavour participants and key supporters of the Endeavour Fund. At the ceremony Meghan presented the award for Celebrating Excellence Award to Nathan Forster, before presenting the award Meghan said: “I’m so, so grateful to be back. Last year was my first time coming and it was such a meaningful night. Before the reception Harry and I were talking to all the nominees and in speaking to one of them he said, you know after I mentioned to him, ‘Gosh the impact you guys make is huge. It’s so much bigger than you.’ No it’s not about us, it’s the ripple effect. And, in true modesty of all the nominees; yes it is about the ripple effect. What I admired in him – and I feel is true about all the nominees – is you don’t have that ripple effect unless each of you is brave enough to make that first wave. It’s so important to remember that because what you’re doing is inspiring so many people – so thank you from all of us for being that inspiration.”

Appearances & Engagements Photos > Engagements in 2019 > February 07 | Attending The Endeavour Fund Awards